Improve access to water

Water Sanitation And Hygiene (Wash )

The Challenges

Rwanda is said to be one of the African countries that use water at a very low scale. Statistics show that a Rwandan uses an average of 670 cubic meters annually as opposed to 4,000 cubic meters for citizens in some African countries. Rainwater is among the most used water sources in Rwanda especially in rural areas. The rainwater is abundant in Northern and Western provinces of Rwanda where forests and volcanoes lie; and is there where rainwater is mostly used in different activities since there are no other water supply systems. Usually, it is the burden of women and children to seek water for the household. Often, they walk an average of 4 km to collect it and they are exposed various form of violence. In addition, due to lack of rainwater harvesting, Rwanda is passing through a hard time of disasters from heavy rainfalls and has lost a lot of things from this last. Plants have been damaged due to erosion, houses have been destroyed due to floods and landslides and people died from these disasters. In order to fight against disasters from rainfalls and increase access to water The Rwandan government in collaboration with partners and civil society started to adopt and promote Rainwater harvesting.

The Program

Program To respond to the lack of access to water in communities, HIHD trains communities to build their own water storage using custom-designed and approved rainwater catchment tanks. HIHD also support communities on establishment of water harvesting and water supply infrastructures; HIHD provides support as well in protection, conservation and management of natural water sources.

Together, we can create lasting change in the lives of those who need it most.