hand in hand for Dev

Community Empowerment


About 38.1% of the Rwandan population lives below the poverty line and communities from rural areas and marginalize groups were found most exposed to poverty. These communities’ poverty often stems from limited access to markets, education, quality infrastructure, employment opportunities, health, and financial products. Beyond the fore mentioned barriers, for marginalized communities comes also discrimination, stigma, isolation, lack of participation in decision making and more stereotypes related to poor mind-sets and misunderstanding.


To eradicate poverty in Rwandan communities, HIHD supports communities’ driven development initiatives and strategies; because we know that the roots of success is community involvement; we value the contribution of community members to improve their lives. To empower communities, we discuss with communities on available opportunities that can enable them to increase control over their lives; thereafter we equip them with skills, knowledge and resources so that they become self-reliant.