hand in hand for Dev

Trauma Healing

Trauma is a significant community health issue, negatively impacting a range of health outcomes. It is recognized that trauma results from physical pain or injury (e.g. severe accident), serious illness, war, natural disasters, witnessing a death, relationship, domestic abuse, stigma, discrimination, incarceration within the criminal justice system, etc. Exposure to trauma simultaneously increases the level of a community’s needs while reducing trust in public health and social services.

Sexual And Reproductive Heath

Youth and marginalized communities are Vulnerable to poor sexual reproductive health and the consequences of poor sexual reproductive health include: unplanned pregnancies and abortions. psychological consequences, including sexual coercion and abuse. poor educational, social, and economic opportunities for teenage mothers, young fathers, and their children. In addition, it was recognized that deprivation of access to education on sexual and reproductive health and rights results in a range of harmful practices such as early and child marriages, and high levels of gender-based violence which have an enormous adverse effect on sustainable development.